Diafonie (Diaphony, 7') is an animated short film, directed by Selle Sellink & Mirjam Debets, with the support of the Netherlands Film Fund and produced by Family Affair Films. Diafonie premiered at the Netherlands Film Festival in september 2022.
"Diaphony is a short animated documentary following three people who share their experiences of the pandemic. Each handles this difficult time in their own way, but it turns out that they share the same way of finding comfort through music."
Directed by: Selle Sellink & Mirjam Debets
Animation: Iris Frankhuizen, Wilbert van Veldhuizen, Mirjam Debets
Coloring: Jorn Leeuwerink
Production: Family Affair Films
Sound Design: Selle Sellink
Score: Hans Nieuwenhuijsen, Luigi Jansen
Interview: Dieuwertje Heuvelings
Research: Wyneke van Nieuwenhuyzen
Voices: Simone de Ruig, Nature Zayah, Joosje & Rogier Duk
2024 Palm Springs Animation Festival, (US) - in competition
2024 Snake Alley Festival of Film, Burlington (US) - selection

2024 Bare Bones International Film Festival, Muskogee (US) - in competition
2024  Fest Anča, Žilina (SK) - selection
2024 Ahmedabad International Film Festival, (IN) - in competition
2024 Brighton International Animation Festival, (UK) - in competition
2024 Brain Film Fest, Barcelona (ES) - selection
2024 Animac Mostra Internacional de Cinema d’Animació, Lleida (ES) - selection

2024 Chambal International Film Festival, Rajastan (IN) - selection
2024 International Film Festival Würzburg (DE) - selection
2024 SEEYOUSOUND International Music Film Festival, Turin (IT) -
2024 IFFR - International Film Festival Rotterdam (NL) - selection
2023 Festival de Cine de Villa de Levya, Bogota (CO) - in competition
2023 Cairo International Animation Forum, Cairo (EG) - selection
2023 Spark Animation Festival 2023, Vancouver (CA) - selection
2023 Playgrounds In Motion (NL) - selection
2023 London International Animation Festival (UK) - in competition
2023 Urban Mediamakers Film Festival, Lilburn (US) - selection
2023 NewFilmmakers Los Angeles Film Festival (US) - selection
2023 Fresh Meet: Broet x Microlab, Eindhoven (NL) - selection
2023 Promofest Short of the Year Spring (ES) - in competition
2023 Europe on Screen 2023, Jakarta (ID) - selection
2023 The Melbourne International Animation Festival (AU) - in competition
2023 Kaboom Animation Festival, Amsterdam (NL) - in competition
2022 Short Movie Sunday at Volkshotel, Amsterdam (NL) - selection
2022 Anim'est Bucharest International Animation Film Festival (RO) - in competition
2022 Nederlands Film Festival, Utrecht (NL)  - in competition

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